Marcos Felipe Rodríguez – ESR13
M.Sc. Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology – University of Kent
@ ESR13
Hi everyone, this is Marcos. I was born and grew up in the beautiful and cozy Salamanca, in the west of Spain. There I started my academic career in psychology -as well as completed the training at the professional music conservatory- although I have always enjoyed moving around, hence my Erasmus program at the University of Luxembourg, an amazingly enriching experience. Afterwards I moved over to the UK for some postgraduate education in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology, and not much later, got admitted to the position of early-stage researcher (ESR) in LimnoPlast. I started working in August 2020 so one could say I am still in the “first season” of the show that is PhD life: it is all very exciting and mysterious, even slightly confusing sometimes, but I am positive the next episodes will be worth a watch.
It is strange times nowadays when you cannot really meet colleagues on a regular basis due to the pandemic-related restrictions, but I must say that the University of Bergen, where I am located, has welcomed me with open arms. Even if it mostly has to be through digital encounters, everybody has been very nice and supportive so far.
When it comes to my project, I am working on investigating people’s risk perceptions and mental models, that is, intuitive interpretations or thought processes, regarding microplastics (MP). Mental models guide behavior and therefore wrong models can stand in the way of solving the problem of MP. Studying them will allow us to suggest appropriate risk communication strategies as well as behavioral interventions, in close collaboration with my colleague Maja.
Together with her I am a representative of our fellow ESRs. I feel very thankful and fortunate to work with them as joining people with so many different academic and cultural backgrounds is indeed an eye-opening experience. It is exciting to be working together to tackle a global problem in this environment where we are not a group, we are a team.
I had to save a few words for my new home, Bergen, which I have fallen in love with. By the famous Norwegian Fjords and surrounded by seven mountains, it is truly a marvel of a city that can appeal to even those who usually prefer the warmer climate -such as me! You should never miss a chance to visit this place.
Que la vida os sonría,